Kale Chips — they really are good

Kale chips recipes pop up pretty frequently in my online reading. When you have an allergic kid, you are always looking for alternative snacks. So, this week, I finally got around to my inaugural batch. For some reason, I thought it would be time consuming, but it actually was a snap. And, believe it or not, they are quite good. My daughter’s favorite snack right now is toasted seaweed snacks and I am buying the health food store out of them nearly every week. I thought these would be right up her alley. They turned out so well, I took them them into school for my weekly garden classes. Out of 45 kids, I had only 5 that didn’t think they were awesome. In fact, I handed out the rest of them at the end of the day as the kids went outside. I sure hope some of them make them at home.

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Here is what I did:I used kitchen shears to cut the kale leaves into chunks and remove the tough central stalk. I put them in a bowl and drizzled on enough EVOO to coat, then I sprinkled with sea salt, lemon juice, and paprika. Once they are tossed in the oil and spices, spread them on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes at 350. So easy! Keep in mind that you are really drying them out and they are going to shrink quite a bit. So don’t think it is too much kale.

I am going to experiment with spices and see if Swiss chard will work as well. This recipe idea is one I will use over and over and kale is in season right now. It’s available in big beautiful bunches at the farmer’s market.

2 thoughts on “Kale Chips — they really are good

  1. I have also stumbled across recipes for kale chips, but never attempted them. Thanks for the tips! I’ll give them a try.

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